ईर्ष्यी घृणि न संतुष्टः क्रोधिनो... -विदुर नीति
परभाग्योपजीवी च षडेते नित्य दुःखिता ||
- विदुर नीति
भावार्थ - अन्य व्यक्तियों से घृणा करने वाला , ईर्ष्या करने वाला,
सदा असन्तुष्ट रहने वाला , क्रोधी, सदैव शङ्का करने वाला ,
दूसरों पर आश्रित रहने वाला, ऐसे छः प्रकार के व्यक्ति नित्य (सदैव)
दुःखी रहते हैं |
Eershyee ghruni na santushtah krodhino nityashankitah.
Parbhaagyopajeevee cha shadete nitya duhkhitaa.
Eershyee = an envious person. Ghrunee = angry, abusive.
Na = not. Santusshtah = contented . Krodhino = angry.
Nitya= daily , always. Shankitah = distrustful, uncertain
Parabhaagyopajeevee = parabhaagya + upajeevee.
Parabhaagya = another's wealth and prosperity, upajeevee =
living on or dependent upon. Cha = and. Shadete = these
six types of persons. Nitya = daily, always. Duhkhitaa =
An envious person, an abusive person, a discontented
person, an angry person, a distrustful or uncertain person,
and a person living or dependent upon another's wealth and
property, these six types of persons always remain unhappy
in their life.
Submitted by: विदुर नीति
Submitted on: Wed May 5 2021 23:57:01 GMT+0530 (IST)
Category: Quote
Acknowledgements: Excerpt from ancient text.
Language: संस्कृत/Sanskrit
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[category Quote, संस्कृत/Sanskrit, Excerpt from ancient text.]
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