सुखार्थी वा त्यजेत विद्याम... -देवसुत
सुखार्थी वा त्यजेत विद्याम विद्यार्थी वा त्यजेत सुखं ।
सु:खार्थिनो कुतो विद्या कुतो विद्यार्थिनः सुखं ।।
Those who are in pursuit of comfort (sukha) should forget about learning (vidya) and those who are in pursuit of learning should forget about comfort. Those who are after pleasures of life never become learned and those who want to be learned should never expect to lead an easy life.
sukhArtee vA tyajaet vidyAm, vidyArthee vA tyajaet sukham.
sukArthino kuto vidyA, kuto vidyArthinah sukham.
Submitted by: देवसुत
Submitted on:
Category: Quote
Acknowledgements: Excerpt from ancient text.
Language: संस्कृत/Sanskrit
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[category Quote, संस्कृत/Sanskrit, Excerpt from ancient text.]
सु:खार्थिनो कुतो विद्या कुतो विद्यार्थिनः सुखं ।।
Those who are in pursuit of comfort (sukha) should forget about learning (vidya) and those who are in pursuit of learning should forget about comfort. Those who are after pleasures of life never become learned and those who want to be learned should never expect to lead an easy life.
sukhArtee vA tyajaet vidyAm, vidyArthee vA tyajaet sukham.
sukArthino kuto vidyA, kuto vidyArthinah sukham.
Submitted by: देवसुत
Submitted on:
Category: Quote
Acknowledgements: Excerpt from ancient text.
Language: संस्कृत/Sanskrit
- Send your submissions to editor@abillionstories.com
- Read your published work at https://readit.abillionstories.com
[category Quote, संस्कृत/Sanskrit, Excerpt from ancient text.]
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