मद्यपस्य कुतः सत्यं... -देवसुत

मद्यपस्य कुतः सत्यं दया मांसाशिनः कुतः
कामिनश्च कुतो विद्या निर्धनस्य कुतः क्रिया ||

English transalation of Sanskrit quote:
It is futile to expect a drunkard (madyapasya = person addicted to alcohol/drugs) to speak truthfully, a carnivorous person (maasa-shina) being kind hearted, an oversexed person being learned and a poor person being active and enterprising.

madyapasya kutah satyam daya mAnsAshinah kutah,
kAminashcha kuto vidya nirdhanasya kutahh kriyA.

Submitted by: देवसुत
Submitted on:
Category: Quote
Acknowledgements: Excerpt from ancient text.
Language: संस्कृत/Sanskrit
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[category Quote, संस्कृत/Sanskrit, Excerpt from ancient text.]


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