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विदेशेषु धनं विद्या... -Sanskrit Works

विदेशेषु धनं विद्या व्यसनेषु धनं मति:। परलोके धनं धर्मः शीलं सर्वत्र वै धनम्॥ Meaning: Knowledge is the wealth in a foreign land. Intelligence is the wealth in tough times. Righteousness is the wealth in the other world and good character is the wealth everywhere and at all times! Submitted by: Sanskrit Works Submitted on: Mon Sep 16 2024 02:51:35 GMT+0530 (India Standard Time) Category: Quote Acknowledgements: This is common knowledge (Folklore) Language: संस्कृत/SanskritFrom the same author: Sanskrit Works - Submit your work at A Billion Stories - Read your published work at https://readit.abillionstories.com - For permission to reproduce content from A Billion Stories in any form, write to editor@abillionstories.com [category Quote, संस्कृत/Sanskrit, This is common knowledge (Folklore)]

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